A Study of the Factors That Impact Videoconferencing as a Learning Tool Within Three Regional Service Agencies in Michigan by Neil J Currie

- Author: Neil J Currie
- Published Date: 08 Sep 2011
- Publisher: Proquest, Umi Dissertation Publishing
- Language: English
- Format: Paperback::186 pages
- ISBN10: 1243730781
- ISBN13: 9781243730787
- Publication City/Country: Charleston SC, United States
- File Name: A Study of the Factors That Impact Videoconferencing as a Learning Tool Within Three Regional Service Agencies in Michigan.pdf
- Dimension: 189x 246x 10mm::340g
- Download Link: A Study of the Factors That Impact Videoconferencing as a Learning Tool Within Three Regional Service Agencies in Michigan
Promoting multicultural understanding and positive self-concept through a distance learning community: cultural connections. Educational Technology Research and Development, 48(1), 69-83. Currie, N. (2007). A study of the factors that impact videoconferencing as a learning Tool Within Three Regional Service Agencies In Michigan. Unpublished The purpose of the study aimed to identify the barriers to the implementation and effective usage of video conferencing as an alternative to face-to-face meetings, in spite of government mandates, and given the inconsistent levels of videoconferencing utilization and usability experienced within a Southern California social services organization. The three deliverables for the study include: 1. promoting online tools, services and courses in the Detroit Public,North Central Regional Education Laboratory Similarly, e-learning challenges the normal way of doing things, either through the Internet or video-conferencing;. Through a public/private partnership with the 211 initiative, Michigan will expand our current resource directory (aging services, disability services) to include all human service providers included in regional deployments of 211 call centers. The current study examines aspects of multimedia design in virtual learning environments. It compares touch and mouse input methods in conjunction with audio and visual feedback in an effort to improve young children's math learning. Within the transdisciplinary approach, Rush, Shelden, and Hanft10 describe a primary coach approach to teaming where a single, long-term service provider is assigned as the primary coach to the family or caregivers. This provider helps implement strategies to achieve all outcomes, with support and consultation from other team mem-bers. Chapter 5122-29 Requirements and Procedures for Mental Health Services Provided by Agencies. 5122-29-01 Purpose and applicability. The purpose of this chapter is to state the requirements for the provision of behavioral health services by providers certified by the Ohio department of Finally, the three teachers were reluctant to recognize these potential uses of technology as serious challenges to the quality of their designs. In this work we discuss the implications of these findings for further research in in-service PDT programs on ICT pedagogy. tion of technology in schools. Where are the computers? Although schools have made progress in bringing comput-ers and the Internet to students and staff, greater access is still needed in order for technology to become a reliable tool for teaching and learning. Studies continue to docu - ment that the availability and quality of technology is Michigan will provide leadership for educational technology in order to Appendix D: Educational Impact Selected Reports and Research.Computer Users in Learning (MACUL), the Regional Education Media Centers (REMC) institutions, and other state agencies (e.g., Office of Retirement Services) will work. People share personal content online with varied audiences, as part of tasks ranging from conversational-style content sharing to collaborative activities. We use an interview- and diary-based study to explore: 1) what factors impact channel choice for Drawing on the Spheres of Wellbeing research, we describe our approach to design a personal mental health and wellbeing technology that avoids an overreliance on traditional health care procedures. Our findings of a deployment study of the Spheres revealed a number of challenges for technology adoption within complex healthcare contexts, and also the need to design new Investigating Engaged Learning and Transformational Impact in an Action Learning Organizations at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, has described as an effective tool in competency-based learning tool; however, to language study in the first place; and how the combination of these factors with This Senate Fiscal Agency (SFA) report, FY 2017-18 Appropriations Report Part II - Initial Appropriations, is the middle SFA report in a series that includes Part I - Governor's Recommendations and Part III - Year-End Appropriations. This report provides a summary of the major issues that were part of the This slide presentation presents preliminary findings from a study that is investigating how engaged families are in the Pennsylvania Title IV-E Child Welfare Demonstration Project. The study is investigating the fidelity of family engagement through the use of an observation tool, a facilitator survey, and a family conference survey.
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